Abril 13, 2004

anti +b (ban)

Este es un addon para que cuando te baneen tu entres y apenas entre lo pongas +b a la persona que te baneo del canal. Vale recordar que para hacer eso tienes que ser operador

menu menubar {
A N T I (+b):/aban

dialog ban {
size 280 180 240 180
title "A N T I [ +b]"
menu "&Contact", 20
item "E&mail", 21
menu "&Visit", 26
item "website", 28

box "Options", 1, 10 10 220 130
check "&set on", 2, 25 30 70 15
radio "&unban and kick", 3, 40 50 120 15, disable
radio "&unban, deop and ban", 4, 40 70 140 15, disable
radio "&unban and kickback", 5, 40 90 120 15, disable
text "Message:", 6, 12 110 60 15
edit "", 7, 65 107 150 20, multi autohs
button "&apply", 8, 15 150 50 20, disable
button "&cancel", 9, 95 150 50 20, cancel
button "exit", 10, 175 150 50 20, ok
button "about ",25,170 23 40 23
text "", 17, 330 95 80 15
icon 271, -5 -55 250 225, \b.bmp

alias -l assite { return http://stardawn.vze.com }
on *:DIALOG:ban:menu:28:run $assite
on *:DIALOG:ban:menu:21:run mailto:eric.basher@lycos.co.uk?subject= $+ $as A N T I (+b)
on *:dialog:ban:sclick:25:about.view
alias aban dialog -m ban ban
on *:dialog:ban:*:*:{
if $devent == sclick {
if $did == 2 && $did(2).state == 1 { did -e ban 8,3,4,5 | did -n ban 7 }
elseif $did == 2 && $did(2).state != 1 { did -b ban 3,4,5 | did -e ban 8 | did -m ban 7 }
if $did == 3 { did -e ban 8 }
if $did == 4 { did -e ban 8 }
if $did == 5 { did -e ban 8 }
if $did == 8 {
if $did(2).state == 1 { set %antiban on }
else { set %antiban off }

if $did(3).state == 1 { set %modeb 1 }
if $did(4).state == 1 { set %modeb 2 }
if $did(5).state == 1 { set %modeb 3 }
if $did(7).text != $null { set %banpr $did(7).text }
elseif $did(7).text == $null { set %banpr A N T I (+b)
did -b ban 8
if $did == 12 { did -e ban 8 }
if $did == 15 {
if $read -l1 %dirban == $null { did -a ban 17 error: no logs | timernol 1 1 did -r ban 17 | return }
run notepad %dirban
if $did == 16 {
write -c %dirban
did -a ban 17 clearing logs
timercl 1 1 did -r ban 17

if $devent == edit { did -e ban 8 }
if $devent == init {
set %dirban $scriptdir $+ banlog.ban

if %antiban == off { did -m ban 7 }
else {
did -e ban 3,4,5
did -c ban 2
if %banpr == $null { did -a ban 7 A N T I (+b)
else { did -a ban 7 %banpr }
if %modeb == 1 { did -c ban 3 }
if %modeb == 2 { did -c ban 4 }
if %modeb == 3 { did -c ban 5 }
if %logban == on { did -c ban 12 }
on @1:ban:#:{
if %antiban == on {
unset %bans
inc %bans 1
if %bans > 15 { halt }
if ([ $banmask ] iswm [ $address($me,%bans) ]) {
mode $chan -b $banmask
if %modeb == 1 { kick $chan $nick %banpr }
if %modeb == 2 { mode # -o $nick | ban $chan $nick 3 }
if %modeb == 3 { kick $chan $nick %banpr | ban $chan $nick 3 }
if %logban == on {
write %dirban :>> BAN--> time: $time --- ;date: $date --- ;nick: $nick --- ;channel: $chan | /echo ;banmask: $banmask $+ $crlf
write %dirban ;banmask: $banmask $+ $crlf
goto loop
on 1:load:{
set %ban! 5.:7:4::
if $version < 5.6 { echo -a %ban! cannot execute, need mIRC 5.6+. try www.mircx.net | unload $script | halt }
echo -a %ban! welcome !
echo -a %ban! Thanks for using A N T I (+b) addons
echo -a %ban! author: 7basher13
echo -a %ban! fax: 021 7720061 8
echo -a %ban! Current directory: $script
set %modeb 1
set %antiban off
set %banpr A N T I (+b)

set %logban off

raw 366:*:/set %whochan on

raw 315:*:{
if %whochan == on { unset %whochan | halt }
raw 352:*:{
if %whochan == on { halt }
alias -l about.view {
if ($window(@about.view) != $null) { window -c @about.view }
window -d @about.view 10 1 650 100
titlebar @about.view - http://stardawn.vze.com -
echo @about.view -
if (%pac.colors == off) { echo @about.view I Have My (Whatever) Protection On, That (Whatever) Was Ignored $pac.logo $pac.scriptlogo }
else { echo @about.view 04Addon that will react in a manner of choice when you get banned in a channel. The script is relatively easy to use and is a major improvement on the last version. As before, the script contains a readme.txt file that explains how to load the script and how to set up its configuration. It is easy to use, with all of the options displayed in a well working dialog window. Everything seems to work well. The author [7basher1304] 04even checks to see if you have set a custom message or not. If you have not, he will set the default one back for you. There seems to be a little debugging left in the script that the author forgot to remove. It echos into the Status window. The coding itself is satisfactory. There are still things that could be improved such as silent timers, using "On *:EVENT:" instead of "On 1:EVENT:" and the removal of all slashes within remotes.

echo @about.view -

Escrito por anticristo_15 a las Abril 13, 2004 05:40 PM
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