Marzo 19, 2004

El teórico (II)

A las 16:00, llamo a la autoescuela para ver los resultados. Me responde un chico que me dice que ese número ya no es de de allí y que me sugiere que consulte la guía. Siguiendo su consejo, miro las Páginas Amarillas, las Páginas Blancas y hasta el QDQ, pero el nombre de mi autoescuela no aparece en ningún sitio.
Media hora después, se me ocurre consultar a Nieves, que sólo puede facilitarme el móvil del dueño. Lo llamo, y me responde un contestador.

Total, que decido plantarme allí. Voy a la parada del autobús, que estaba llena hasta los topes, y pasa uno de largo sin detenerse. A la media hora, bajan tres, y al rato sube uno y pasan dos de largo. Me subo junto con tropecientas personas más, y nos apretamos como sardinas. Entre mi nerviosismo y que los autobuses llevan una hora sin pasar y cada vez sube más gente, el tráfico granaíno se me está haciendo más insoportable que nunca.

Al final decido bajarme un poco antes e ir a pie. Llego y está el dueño hablando tranquilamente por teléfono. Espero un par de minutos mientras pienso que hoy es definitivamente mi día de mala suerte. Finalmente, cuelga y llama para saber los resultados. Elena, Apto. Guay.

La semana que viene empezaré a estrellarme contra los semáforos dar clases de coche. Ya os contaré...

Escrito por Narux a las Marzo 19, 2004 08:45 PM

Felicidades por la teorica.
Espero que los semaforos no se resientan mucho...

Escrito por sola a las Marzo 19, 2004 09:27 PM

Er, Tom, I hate to be the one to point this out, but your fix list
is starting to resemble a feature list. You must be human or something.
-- Larry Wall in

The average woman would really like to be told if her mate is fooling
around behind her back. This same woman wouldn't tell her best friend if
she knew the best friends' mate was having an affair. She'll tell all her
OTHER friends, however. The average man won't say anything if he knows that
one of his friend's mates is fooling around, and he'd rather not know if
his mate is having an affair either, out of fear that it might be with one
of his friends. He will tell all his friends about his own affairs, though,
so they can be ready if he needs an alibi.

A typical man thinks he's Mario Andretti as soon as he slips behind
the wheel of his car. The fact that it's an 8-year-old Honda doesn't keep
him from trying to out-accelerate the guy in the Porsche who's attempting
to cut him off; freeway on-ramps are exciting challenges to see who has The
Right Stuff on the morning commute. Does he or doesn't he? Only his body
shop knows for sure. Insurance companies understand this behavior, and
price their policies accordingly.
A woman will slow down to let a car merge in front of her, and get
rear-ended by another woman who was busy adding the finishing touches to
her makeup.
cialis cialis onlineEr, Tom, I hate to be the one to point this out, but your fix list
is starting to resemble a feature list. You must be human or something.
-- Larry Wall in

Escrito por John K a las Noviembre 3, 2004 08:45 AM
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