Septiembre 24, 2004

Luchemos por la Democracia en la UE

Dia de la Democracia en Europa

Y luchemos para que no sea realidad eso de Leyes Blandas en la Democracia Europea:

The ambition to escape from deadlock can legitimate a system that relies on guidelines, recommendations and other types of soft law. The democratic problem with this system is that EU’s constitutional level categorises these kinds of rules into the traditional steering system of command and control which has a very weak monitoring role over rules that are not decided according to the community method. Thus, you could end up with two parallel systems - government and governance. The former system is democratically legitimate, although still with problems, but the latter system will have a much weaker democratic base, if any.

Saludos. escrito por Carpanta en Septiembre 24, 2004 02:18 AM

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