Agosto 30, 2006


The place was really neat. One of these intellectual nests, those a little bit tacky but arty enough to look cool. A lot of mirros, all black and red and Erykah Badu blasting the sound system. Super nice sound system and an impressive stage for such a place, I mean, for a ship. It was a ship.

Getting to the back of the stage it is easy to realize why so much care taken in the furniture and all, it is a theater. The dressing room is full with funny stuff they must use for the plays. We leave the guitar there and start with the typical round of stupid questions only germans are able to make a habit. Inquisitive looks everywhere wanting to know your weak points, unavoidable information when you wish to get out alive from this kind of festivals. Too many bands, too many singers, too many egos to satisfy. The singers, they kill me. They look at you as if they had seen the light some time without you noticing. I'm a drummer, moron. I know what studing music means, I know how it hurts to stay hours and hours off self-sacrifice just to have a phony singer looking at me as if he knew better. Seriously, they kill me.

The round ends having been enough to know who's the one to talk and the one to ignore or, if necessary, hurt with some delicate weird fashion of coarseness. Normally I simply ignore the group enclosing the "coarse-deserving" morons and try to go on with the ones that are worth it. This time I just chose to ignore everyone.

The concert went really well. It began with this funny guy and his guitar, playing country songs in a really amusing way. i liked a lot the way he horsed around with the "coarse-deserving" morons without them even realizing he was. I found that brilliant. really cool guy and everything. The band after him simply sucked. They made a break and then this crazy guy with his acoustic guitar and the best acting on stage I've seen in my life goes with his thing. Marvelous, simply marvelous. A concert set as a play, with a beautiful story in between the songs. Really good.

After him, the worst band I've seen in my life with a supposed "World Music" drummer that was world-music-my-ass and barely a drummer, but whatever, the worst was the singer. What a piece of phony moron. An absolut imbecile, let down by his own life and wanting to share it with the rest of us. Don't do that, guys. If your lives are miserable, don't let me know. I don't want to, really. If you cannot share your sadness as elegantly as the good ones, please don't do it cause it makes me sick.

Then we went onstage. It wasn't the best we've ever done it, but at least we weren't even pretending to do it. We weren't saving the world or anything. We just went there and play with all the toys they let us and have a good time. No stupid "I'm a hero" faces, neither poses. We just played.

I think that's the main problem with the most of musicians. They are unable to realize that music is only music. It's only music. It's ok if you love it, if it rules your life, if it's the thing you would die for, what could save the world if treated in its pure state...

But it's only music.

Abrazos per tutti!

Una idea (poco) original que BoZ tuvo a eso de las Agosto 30, 2006 03:25 PM
De la que otros han dicho...
Y ahora vas tú y, cargad@ de razón, dices

Me lo quedo para otra?